Our lives are made up of a series of stories and not one is the same as another. Each of us are so incredibly unique and we all know that stories are what connects us to our humanity. We also know that truth is stranger than fiction! Reflecting back on our lives is one of the richest endeavours we can undertake.  Socrates said, “An unexamined life is not worth living” and what I think he meant was that without reflection we are deprived of meaning and the purpose of existence.

As a psychotherapist and writing coach for over 30 years, one of my favourite things in life is to help people know that their life matters. Not everyone wants to write a book about it.  And even those who know in their soul that it is something they truly do want, they often sabotage themselves with unrelenting negative self-talk – things like, “I don’t really have a story worth telling”, or “there’s so many stories like mine out there already”, or my favourite, “I can’t spell”.

If you have a dream to write a book, and people have been telling you for years that you should, and that this dream keeps coming back, consider that it is not a dream, that it is your Destiny. 

Perhaps your book is your personal life story that you wish to leave as a legacy to share the wisdom you have gleaned over your lifetime, or you are an entrepreneur and you want to convey your passion – what you have discovered that will help others to find their way in the world, if so this presentation is for you!

You will learn tools to bust through your blocks to write with confidence and ease, write with your most authentic voice, learn how the pain from your past contributes to your life’s greatest gifts and lessons, and that Your Life Matters!

One of my favourite things to do is offer Author Mentorship Retreats worldwide. This next one is in Nanaimo, BC, Canada from January 26 – 30, 2025. Here is the link for more information:

My motto is “The sweet whisperings of your soul meets you on the page, and something shifts. You strengthen, you begin to stand taller. Then one day, you begin to notice that your voice on the page has become your voice in the world.”

Are you ready to write your book? Start your journey with Junie’s #1 bestselling guide, Your Life Matters: 8 Simple Steps to Writing Your Story. Discover how simple and empowering it can be to share your unique voice with the world!”

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