Re-Write Your Life Home Study Program
Re-Write Your Life is a 8-week self-paced, transformational program that empowers you to let go of old resentments, hurts and regrets, and make peace with your past so you can rejoice in your life today.
All of us have experienced heartbreak, regrets, and sorrow in our lives. Some people cannot seem to get past those things. They are not able to let go of the pain, live in fear, are unhappy, and do not move forward.
Yet many people with seemingly insurmountable burdens move on to live joyful, meaningful, and fulfilled lives in spite of their history.
Re-Write Your Life teaches you how to be one of these people.
No matter where you are now, no matter how much pain you are in, no matter how stuck you may be, when you follow this profound, and proven step-by-step process your life will transform in wondrous ways.
Do you want to heal the painful stories of your past but you . . .
❤️ . . . don’t know how or where to begin?
❤️ . . . have the tools to help yourself, but rarely seem to follow through?
❤️ . . . feel like you’ve lost your confidence and your voice along the way?
❤️ . . . feel guilty when you slow down and take time for yourself?
❤️ . . . are afraid of what might happen when you delve into stories that trigger pain and discomfort?
Re-Write Your Life Home Study Program is a good choice for you if:
✔️ You want to delve into the stories of your life, but the timing of a live coaching program may not work for you
✔️ You need the flexibility to work through the material at your own pace
✔️ You like to learn on your own
It is said that human beings are the only ones on the planet that can actually change our states of being through our intentions and our actions.
We can transform grief to joy, scarcity to abundance, and fear to love.
Knowing that we have been given this gift by The Universe — this absolute privilege — our gift back is to create a magnificent life!


This is what you can look forward to as you write your stories with an attitude that your healing journey is simply non-negotiable. You are ready to live with peace and harmony — and that is when big magic happens.
I have had the joy of watching thousands of students transform their lives in miraculous ways using my unique process of guided meditation and writing.
As you work through this program, you will come to know that everything in your life has been divinely guided, even when it’s the hardest thing to imagine. Within all of our unique experiences and all of our stories, there are lessons to be learned. Inherent in every lesson is a multitude of gifts
And that’s what the Re-Write Your Life self-paced program is all about. It’s about choosing to take the high road that leads you to personal peace, happiness and freedom. It is my greatest honor to provide a road map for you to learn what I learned many years ago. Simply put — how do we stop the pain? How do we find solace in a heart that has broken a million times? Where do we go from here?
“Junie Swadron is both a guide and a muse. Her book is a bright lantern, illuminating the often dark and tricky terrain of the soul. Grounded in personal experience, her techniques catalyze the deep authenticity possible to us all.”Julia Cameron, Author of The Artist’s Way

Learn how to transcend resentments, heartbreak and regrets using my unique formula for success
Receive 20 audio meditations and memory prompts to gently guide you in re-writing and healing your stories
Cultivate resilience and move forward, prepared to face any new circumstances that come your way
Learn how to set healthy and effective boundaries, allowing you the freedom to experience life on your own terms
Experience a powerful forgiveness process to free you from debilitating anger, depression, or grief — once and for all
Excavate your stories and find the nuggets of beauty that lie within each of them
Use writing to unearth profound healing and clarity
Learn powerful techniques to heal the wounds of your inner child and regain confidence in your authentic voice
Experience your voice on the page becoming your voice in the world!

✔️ Comprehensive 8-week program — Each week you’ll receive a new module of the program, with exercises and audio as homework
✔️ Ongoing classes — Complete the 8 modules at your own pace with lifetime access to the program
✔️ Companion book — A complimentary digital copy of my bestselling book, Re-Write Your Life: A Transformational Guide to Writing and Healing the Stories of Our Lives.

Lesson 1 — The Final Straw:
Choosing the High Road
Lesson 2 — Honoring Your Authentic Voice: The Mirror of Love
Lesson 3 — Forgiveness
Lesson 4 — Gratitude:
The Catalyst for Happiness and Abundance
Lesson 5 — Your Stories and Writing Guidelines
Lesson 6 — Gifts and Lessons
Lesson 7 — Unleash Your Passion, Creativity, and Highest Potential
Lesson 8 — Transformation from Pain to Freedom

As you go through your own transformational process, leading you to the freedom you desire, know that your courageous choice is also helping to heal your children, partner, parents, colleagues, friends and ultimately, the planet.
Your intention to let go of the past and celebrate all the stories you have lived becomes the gift you offer humanity.
Through mindfulness and intention you will revisit and embrace the milestones that have made your life rich with meaning. You will bring new clarity and understanding to old circumstances and put closure on unfinished business.
Throughout the process you will laugh and cry at the meanderings of your life and bring to the present a new respect and reverence for the blessings of every day.

Woven throughout the program are examples of inspirational real-life stories that will stir your heart and inspire you to pick up your pen and write your own stories of transformation, healing, and growth.
No writing experience is necessary. You are only asked to write from your heart and with new eyes. An endless well of wisdom comes to us from invisible places that the pen simply knows how to locate.
We can all heal our lives from past wounds. We just need to be willing. And why wouldn’t we be? Our lives depend on it.
Through the unique process design of the Re-Write Your Life Self-Paced Program, you’ll work through whatever blocks have been keeping you stuck. It may not be just “writer’s block,” but pain that is still present and preventing the flow of writing from your most empowered voice.
“Like an angel, Junie Swadron embraces you all the way on this challenging terrain of finding your voice and tackling your toughest fears. And like magic, your cocooned story is ready to emerge.”Alissa Friedman, Chicago, Illinois, USA

This unique self-paced program is valued at $299
Special price — $197 USD (+tax)
in honour of the book launch of
Re-Write Your Life II: Peace Awaits You,
the companion text to the course.
If you are ready to transform your life by re-writing the stories of your past that have hurt you, now’s the time to jump in!
It could also be the greatest life-giving gift to a loved one who may be suffering and in pain right now.

The image above will lead you to PayPal, where there is an option to pay with a credit card or debit card if you prefer.
After purchase, a PayPal receipt will be sent to your email. The PayPal receipt is your course enrolment confirmation.
I will send you the link to the course once your payment has been received.
Please be sure to review my cancellation policy here.

I have recently certified several wonderful women as Re-Write Your Life coaches who bring their own unique genius to our process.
If you would like one-on-one coaching sessions, they may be available.
As part of their training, the certified coaches went through the Re-Write Your Life program with me. Here’s what they have to say about the program:

LISA HOPE, Re-Write Your Life Certified Coach
Junie, once again you have shown me your love and nurturing ways. I am so proud to be spreading your life’s work. Your encouragement and understanding has helped me move forward in my life, in this course and over the past 4 years or so on one project or another.
It was my great pleasure to continue on this path with you. I want to make you proud and help others with the knowledge you have given me. I appreciate you for your honesty, love, gentleness, and encouragement, thank you.

CAROLYN CLARKE, Re-Write Your Life Certified Coach
Participating in and becoming a certified Re-Write Your Life Master Facilitator has awakened in me a fresh realization of the power of the pen. These last five years have included much academic and promotional writings, but Junie’s brilliant training brought me “home” again… first to my own wellbeing (and healing through a time of much grief) PLUS it has added a most POTENT tool for my counselling clients and workshop attendees ahead. This now combines and completes a powerful blend of healing modalities for me personally and professionally, bringing Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT tapping), NLP and Infinite Possibilities together with Re-Write Your Life Mastery, for living a deliberate life in flow and wellbeing. Thank you, Junie Swadron and fellow RYLM colleagues!

MITRA AGNI ATMA, Re-Write Your Life Certified Coach
Junie holds a sacred space of allowing and honouring what arises in our stories with humility, compassion and grace.
We often live our lives from our wounded places. I wrote my stories, the uplifting and the wounded, and they transformed my lived experience.
Now, rather than living from my wounds, I am free to dive into my life from the springboard of gratitude, joy, peace, and love. Thank you, Junie!

MERIEL RANDERSON, Re-Write Your Life Certified Coach
In 2010, I took the Re-Write Your Life program with Junie. By then, I’d spent years trying to heal from the negative tapes playing in my head. On the outside I was an accomplished therapist with an adventurous spirit, trekking in the Himalayas and jumping at the chance to be a certified yoga and meditation instructor. But inside, I carried deep shame.
With the expert guidance of Junie through the brilliant Re-Write Your Life program, I re-wrote those stories of guilt, shame and sadness into an empowering narrative of love and confidence that continues to replace those negative tapes of yesteryear.
I believe in this program so much that I have now become one of the first Re-Write Your Life Coaches! Do yourself a favour: treat that inner child with the love they deserve and sign up for the Re-Write Your Life program.
“Like an angel, Junie Swadron embraces you all the way on this challenging terrain of finding your voice and tackling your toughest fears. And like magic, your cocooned story is ready to emerge.”Alissa Friedman, Chicago, Illinois, USA
It’s time to let go of old hurts, resentments, and regrets.
Make peace with your past so that you can live a joyful, meaningful
fulfilled life now — in spite of your history.

JUNIE SWADRON is a psychotherapist, author, playwright, international speaker and writing coach. Her book, Re-Write Your Life, A Transformational Guide to Writing and Healing the Stories of Our Lives is based on 30 years of guiding thousands of students to heal the pain of their past through a unique guided writing experience.
Junie’s second book, Write Where You Are: A Book For Those Who Dream Of Writing But Don’t Know Where To Begin, offers fool-proof and often hilarious solutions to getting even the biggest skeptics writing.
Junie’s 3rd book, Colouring Your Dreams Come True was illustrated by Siri Stiklestad-Opli. It is a bedtime story and colouring book for children of all ages and the child that lives within every adult. It’s about the Natural Laws of the Universe and the Everyday Magic available to every one of us.
Junie’s play, Madness, Masks and Miracles was awarded the highest acclaim.
“This play is a winner: It is moving, inspiring and intensely evocative. A gift. A call-to-arms. A must-see.” —Dr. Michael Meyers, President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association
Watch this video to see how Annie’s life transformed while participating in the Re-Write Your Life program.
While you’re listening to Annie, think about your own life and how pain, heartbreak, resentment, confusion etc. from past events may be preventing you from living fully in today.
Are you ready to say YES to a brand new beautiful future? If so, I lovingly extend my hand to you through this self-paced program.
This program has literally changed the lives of thousands of students since its inception in 1995.
A few years ago, Jan Falkowski, a man in his 50s, arrived at my Re-Write Your Life program.
Jan was just coming out of a long six years of darkness after the death of his beloved daughter, Jessica, who was only 19 years old when she died.
After going through the Re-Write Your Life Program for the first time in six years, Jan began to feel a sense of hope, of new possibilities.
He wrote a letter to Nick, the man who was responsible for the death of his daughter. Nick, still in prison, responded with deep and unabashed gratitude. Since that time there has been a string of letters between them.
Watch this video to hear some of the stories that have been transformed through Re-Write Your Life.
By the end of the program you will have woven each of your rich, significant life circumstances into the autobiography of your sacred story that signifies your essence, your truth and your life.
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have succeeded.”Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Your soul meets you on the page and something shifts. You strengthen. You begin to stand taller.
Soon you begin to notice that your voice on the page has become your voice in the world.” Junie Swadron