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Re-Write Your Life: A Transformational Guide to Writing and Healing the Stories of Our Lives

Re-Write Your Life is a unique guided writing experience that empowers you to let go of old resentments, hurts and regrets and make peace with your past so you can rejoice in your life today. This book stands alone, and is also an excellent companion to my Re-Write Your Life online course.

Read what people are saying and purchase your physical copy here!

“Junie Swadron is both a guide and a muse. Her book is a bright lantern, illuminating the often dark and tricky terrain of the soul. Grounded in personal experience, her techniques catalyze the deep authenticity possible to us all.”   —Julia Cameron, Author of The Artist’s Way

Note: once you have purchased the e-book on PayPal, make sure to click the option to return to the merchant’s site. You will then be directed to the instructions to access your new book. 

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