Dearest friends,

Today, on New Year’s Day, I want to wish you the most magnificent brand-new year!  And I want to thank you for continuing to support me on my healing and growing journey – and for all the loving comments you have sent me in response to the newsletters you receive. They give me so much joy! It matters to me what you think, how you feel – and what’s going on for you – so please let’s make this a living, breathing, ALIVE reciprocal practice…as you feel inspired to.

It’s hard to believe that we are turning the page from 2024 onto a blank new slate, ready to co-create with The Universe a year of our deepest wishes, desires, intentions, and prayers fulfilled. And no matter what the year brings, may we find the strength, courage and skill to go with the flow, to accept what is and ride the waves of gratitude, no matter what!

When I think back to only one year ago, January 2024, my body was riddled with cancer, I was in a challenging marriage, and so many of my friends were losing their battle with cancer. In the end, six friends passed away in 2024. The grief I was carrying was unbearable. I was scared, my heart and body were filled with pain and the future looked bleak at best.

Entering January 2025, I am cancer free, my marriage to David has ended, yet we have found a beautiful place of friendship that feels kind, respectful and sustainable. We are both proud of this accomplishment. We worked at it!

On December 21st – only 10 days ago, I entered an Odyssey of TRUST when I I left Victoria, my city of 22 years, put everything in a storage locker up island and set out to begin again. Destination unknown. Full Surrender. (That did not mean fear didn’t pay me lots of visits along the way.) I didn’t try to push it away. I allowed it to come along, faced it, and never let it take the wheel. Nope…Never. God is driving my bus and I get the luxury of looking around at the scenery! Not a bad way to travel really.

Yesterday, I signed an application for what I am hoping to be my new home in Nanaimo – ready to move in on February 1st, the day after my Author Mentorship Bootcamp finishes at the Bethlehem Centre.

It was my wish that before I left Nanaimo on Dec. 28th, I would find my next residence. I think I did! It was the last place I looked at before setting forth on the highway to my newest destination – where I will remain as a writer in residence for the month of January. Here, I will be focusing on completing my next book, “If You Only Knew, a Book of Healing Letters”. I am so inspired now that Marci Shimoff has agreed to endorse it! Wowzers!

So far, so good. So far, so great actually! When I don’t let fear run the show…what if they don’t accept my tenancy application. (You know, the part in the movie where the preacher says, “If anyone wants to come forward and state why John Doe and Mary Smith cannot join hands in holy matrimony, come forward and speak..” and the witch and warlock from two blocks past the corner store where the groom lived when he was three come forth…)

Right, here I am going into a whole made up story…Yup, it doesn’t take much for this writer’s imagination to take off and leave me stranded in an alternate reality with no road map or GPS to find my way again…So, I am pulling back the reel now! I shall enter my inspired vision to take hold while I fill my imagination with all the wonderful ways in which it will feel when I live there. Ahh, that’s better!

And should things work out as imagined, I will move in the day after my Author Mentorship Bootcamp Retreat ends – on the heals of doing what I love more than anything – which is mentoring folks to write the book that their soul is calling them to write.

I am filled with joyous expectancy and more than anything, I am filled with gratitude!

Again, please let me say THANK YOU to everyone who has been following my journey and supporting me throughout with your loving comments and energy. I feel you and appreciate you more than you know!

Please let me know the best ways I can support YOU! And if you have a dream to write a book and that dream keeps coming back – consider that it is not a dream – but your destiny.

WHAT I WANT TO SAY TO YOU NOW IS: No matter where you are as you say goodbye to 2024 and hello to 2025 – emotionally, spiritually, physically, in every way –  know EVERYTHING in our temporal world changes. Nothing stays the same.

Except for one thing! It’s our connection to Source – to Spirit, to Universal Intelligence, to God, to the still small voice inside us which, when we are still, quiet and silent, we can hear its messages to us. And when we listen, we are led, albeit into a Mystery that may not have any visible safety belts attached – still, trust and know you are safe.

Learn to Fall in Love with The Mystery. Don’t try to make logical sense out of anything. Cause nothing is! Everything we thought was safe, may not have been. What we thought were “the rules” have changed a gazillion times since Covid and keep changing. What’s left…be still, listen and Let The Universe Love and Guide You.

Summon up what you can be grateful for right now. The roof over your head. The people who love and support you. The pets who bring you joy.  The water that you get to drink by just turning on a tap, the fresh air outside your door, the tree you can see from your window that shelter the birds, the groceries that you just purchased…Don’t take anything for granted. Take time to count your blessings. There are more than we can count when we take the time. And be sure to include the events in your life that suck! Yup, be grateful for those too because they will teach you things. There are invaluable gifts wrapped up in our challenges. When we get to the other side of them, our learnings become our strengths that we get to pass on to others! Now how cool is that!

Now consider where you want to put your time, energy and attention this coming year. What turns you on? What makes your heart sing? Do it! That’s all! Just do what makes your heart sing.

Don’t spend one more minute on rehashing what didn’t work out. It’s an energy stealer and we don’t get a second chance to re-live any given minute, hour or day. So infuse your days with Love and Beauty! Joy and Curiosity, Projects that inspire you. People who inspire you! Take that little kid in you out to the garden, the seashore, the swings in the park to play. Make sand castles with other friends -and motes that connect you. Put down the drawbridge and acquire new friends. Your tribe of besties. Rest. Restore. Write. Sing. Dance. Take pictures. Be your authentically beautiful self and know you are loved beyond measure.

Know I love you, I’m here. I care. Talk to me. Tell me what your soul intentions are for 2025 and let me supercharge them with you!

God Bless You.


P.S. And if you feel in your heart that it IS your destiny to write your book, don’t put it off any longer. Let me hold your hand right to the publisher’s door. And get started right here with my Author Mentorship Bootcamp Retreat!

P.P.S There’s been an incredible response to my offer of FREE access to watch my play, Madness, Masks, and Miracles, so I’m extending access to the play for the entire month of January. Don’t miss it! Click here to watch it now!

Please share my website with your friends!