I hope sharing my story inspires you to recognize
the everyday miracles in your life.
Although this is my story I am sharing,
I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt,
if a life of miracles can happen for me,
they can happen for YOU.
May you make 2025 your own spectacular
Year of Miracles
for you and your loved ones.
All love, miracles, and blessings, Junie


Dear Friends,

This is my Holiday letter to you. Grab your cup of tea, coffee, eggnog, hot chocolate, or tipple of choice, relax and enJOY!

The first six months of 2024 were undoubtedly the most challenging I have ever endured in my life as an adult. Yet, these past six months feel as though I’ve been walking Heaven on Earth. This journey from despair to miracles has been nothing short of transformative.

A Vision Realized


In January 2024, I joined Marci Shimoff’s Your Year of Miracles, a transformational year-long journey designed to help participants live in the flow of miracles and create a life filled with love, joy, and abundance. As part of the program, I created a vision board with three soul intentions:

Alive, Resilient, Body, 

Magnificent Retreats Worldwide, 

Eeezy-Peezy Financially Free! 

None of these soul intentions seemed remotely possible at the time. Today, as we near the end of the year, all three intentions have manifested! 

My life is a testament to the power of Commitment, Faith (Full Surrender), and Taking Inspired Action (following my intuitive guidance).

From Despair…

When I entered 2024, my body was riddled with a rare form of cancer. Medical professionals viewed my case as a losing battle. I weighed only 90 pounds, was in excruciating pain, and my medical team called in Hospice as they were considering palliative care to be my next steps.

Adding to my physical suffering and emotional turmoil, I was told by my oncologist that if the amount of stress I was currently under was not curtailed significantly, my cancer could metastasize. Unfortunately, the stress seemed to escalate, resulting in my husband and I separating.

The months that followed were a descent into darkness. Thankfully I was offered a Lifeline of Hope through the support of friends, family, and therapists. I chose to commit to using the tools I’ve employed over my lifetime to lift myself up. I made that commitment non-negotiable. I wanted to live! 

I wanted to heal from cancer, and no matter what was happening, I needed to find peace in my soul. Slowly, going one day at a time, and holding onto my deep faith in God as my primary lifeline, I began to climb out of the abyss. All together, with everything I was doing, I began to wake up each day feeling a bit better than the day before. I was rejoining the land of the living!

…To Miracles

On June 22nd, my birthday, I gifted myself a day of silence. I allowed myself to grieve the huge changes I was experiencing. I went through all of David’s and my treasures. I wept, sobbed and wailed. I prayed, walked, meditated, journalled and by day’s end, I had surrendered fully. Then I released David with unconditional love in my heart. It was time for both of us to go forward on our own in the healthiest of ways.

That day marked the beginning of profound healing. Since then, my life has been an accelerated journey of renewal—body, mind, and spirit. I am dancing, laughing, working, and loving my life in new ways!

Health: I am cancer-free and have been for nearly six months! My body is strong and vibrant, and I’ve returned to hiking with friends who sometimes can’t keep up with me.

Career: New therapy and book-writing clients have appeared out of the blue! I’ve been invited to lead retreats at stunning locations worldwide—a dream I’d held for years and which was on my vision board at the beginning of this year.

Currently I am in conversation with people in some of my dream destinations such as Europe, England, New York, and Costa Rica. If you would like me to offer a writing retreat in the area where you live, please get in touch with me at jdswadron@gmail.com. It would be my honour!

This year I have facilitated two retreats at the Bethlehem Centre in Nanaimo, BC. I am so excited to be presenting my third one – my Author Mentorship Bootcamp from January 26 – 30, 2025 – see below for details!

Creative Milestones: With the support of my Virtual Assistant, India (who kept my business alive while I was very sick and couldn’t work by repurposing work I had done in the past), I completed two books that became #1 bestsellers on Amazon: Re-Write Your Life II: Peace Awaits You and Write Where You Are: A Guided Experience for Those Who Dream of Writing but Don’t Know Where to Begin

Relationships: David and I have found a new friendship rooted in mutual respect and love. I found the purity and innocence in him and in myself and you should see us now! I remember why I fell in love with him in the first place as we both let go with love.

In November, we even sang together on an open stage where so many of our music buddies often play, rekindling the joy of our shared creativity. I had not been to this particular venue since I became ill. I missed our friends tremendously. It was celebratory for me at The Spiral – everyone was so happy and gracious to see me again – to see me healthy and especially to see David and me actually singing at the mike together – belting out It’s a Brand New Day.

David’s going away gift to me. His original David Halliwell oil painting called Road to Mecca with his beautiful  letter of love.
If you have something you would like painted in mind, he loves to do commissions – listening carefully to the details you envision and then he does his magic!
You can reach out to him at davidhalliwellbc@gmail.com.

A Pilgrimage of Trust

As I write this, I’m packing up my home, my sanctuary, and preparing for a new chapter. I am moving to another city…, with full guidance from the Universe, inspired by what I call my Miracle Meltdown and am on a Miracle Mystery Pilgrimage called TRUST… I love my life! Synchronicities are happening at EVERY turn!

This journey begins with being invited to stay at the Bethlehem Centre, a retreat haven, where I spent Solstice reflecting and dreaming of my life to come.

From December 28 to January 25, I will be a Writer in Residence at a retreat center in Lake Cowichan, B.C., surrounded by forests, lakes, and the Pacific Ocean.

This sacred space will allow me to dive into my next book, If You Only Knew: A Book of Healing Letters. 

My Latest, Greatest Miracle of All, Marci Shimoff, of Your Year of Miracles, has agreed to endorse this book! Thank you, Marci, and thank you, Rena Boone, for presenting my letter to her. I thank you both with all my heart.

Fifteen years ago, I asked Julia Cameron if she would endorse my first book, Re-Write Your Life: A Transformational Guide to Writing and Healing the Stories of Our Lives. Her publishers told me that she doesn’t do that anymore. Still, they sent her my heartfelt request, and this is the endorsement I got:

“Junie Swadron is both a guide and a muse.
Her book is a bright lantern, illuminating the often dark and tricky terrain of the soul.
Grounded in personal experience, her techniques catalyze the deep authenticity possible to us all”


I am telling you this because when we have the courage to ask for what our heart desires, even when those we ask happen to be our greatest s/heroes, they could very well surprise us when they say “YES”.  

Holiday Specials

FREE Access to Madness, Masks, and Miracles Play!

As this is a time where there is so much uncertainty, confusion and fear on the planet, I am offering FREE access to my Highly Acclaimed Play, Madness, Masks and Miracles until January 1, 2025.  

It is a play to dispel myths and stigmas about mental illness.

As many of you know, I was diagnosed when I was 20 years old with manic depressive illness. My young life included a series of hospitalizations. Everything felt out of control. I was massively depressed most of the time. I was “failing” in life by society’s standards…and my own at the time.

Thank God, there was something within my spirit that led me to know that this did not have to be my future! Mental Illness did not have to stay as my identity!  

Having that intention set me on a healing path where I don’t even recognize my life today compared how it was then!

If you or your loved one is suffering with a mental illness, your life can look differently too! You are not your diagnosis! This is a Brand New Day. You just need to reach out and know that someone who cares will be reaching back. It’s amazing how help comes to us when we are brave enough to reach out and ask for it.

Claim it for FREE. Don’t wait!  If you or a loved one is suffering -get it for yourself. Get it for them. Send them this link. Access ends on January 1, 2025, so don’t delay!

NOTE: VERY IMPORTANT! Do NOT watch it by yourself — watch with a trusted friend, therapist, care giver or best supporter as it could be triggering! Then have the most honest conversation you have ever had with them!


Re-Write Your Life Home Study Program

A Holiday Discount of 90% Off the Regular Price!

As a Holiday Special, I am offering my Re-Write Your Life Home Study Program for $29.97 (regular price $297.00) – a 90% discount.

If you are ready to transform your life by re-writing the stories of your past that have hurt you, click this link. It could also be the greatest life-giving gift to a loved one who may be suffering and in pain right now.

Ready to Write Your Book?

On January 26, I’ll be leading my 5-Day Author Mentorship Bootcamp Retreat at the Bethlehem Centre—continuing to fulfill my vision of guiding others to share their stories with the world. This is a transformative experience designed to help writers uncover the power of their unique voice and bring their stories to life.

Whether you’re just starting out or an experienced writer, this retreat offers the perfect environment to nurture your creativity, gain valuable insights, and take significant steps toward writing or completing your book. Wherever you are on the continuum, from inception to nearly finished, this bootcamp is for you.

This immersive retreat is more than just a writing workshop—it’s a journey of discovery, inspiration, and connection. I would be honored to have you join us for this unforgettable experience!

Click here to learn more and book your seat!

Miracles Multiply

As I step into 2025, I am open to even more miracles. Are you?

For me, I envision a beautiful new home to move into on February 1st – perfect pricing for the rent and overlooking the ocean. I might as well ask for the best – and breathe it into BE-ing! And why not ask for financial abundance, a growing retreat practice, and perhaps even a new love partner. Why not!?

My body is exhausted with so much happening but my soul is deeply at peace, grounded in Gratitude, Love, and Faith.

Make 2025 Your Year of Miracles

This year has shown me that miracles are not random—they are invitations to trust deeply, and to act courageously. I encourage you to reflect on your dreams and take bold steps toward them. Your miracles are waiting for you. May all your most treasured dreams come true – after all, mine already are unfolding. Yours can too! 

Holy crow…last year, this time, I was still riddled with cancer. Thank you, God, for keeping me alive so I can continue to spread my light and love and create outrageous abundance through my love and service to whomever shows up in front of me.

Writing Prompt for Creating Miracles

Listen to my audio meditation of Unleash Your Passion, Purpose, and Highest Potential on Insight Timer (link here).  Then, follow the instructions at the end of the meditation, which will give you the recipe to create your Year of Miracles for 2025.

I’d love to hear from you, please share with me your miracle intentions for 2025 so I can hold you in my heart and supercharge your greatest vision with you!

Wishing you a beautiful Holiday Season filled with love, light, limitless possibilities, and MIRACLES GALORE!

With love and gratitude,

PS: If you’re ready to create your own Year of Miracles, the next season of Your Year of Miracles is now open for registration! This life-changing program, created by #1 New York Times Best-Selling Author and renowned happiness expert Marci Shimoff, has transformed countless lives—including mine. In fact, it’s Marci Shimoff who is endorsing my next book – WOW!

I can’t endorse this program enough. I believe it has contributed greatly to my success in all areas of my life this year. Learn more here. Don’t miss this opportunity to step into your own miracles!

Please share my website with your friends!